
Architecture, spatial planning, and construction have taken on a mission that transcends mere aesthetics and building types. Comprehensive architecture is responsible for sustainable development in a spatial, ecological, and even social sense.

That principle guides the philosophy that everything we do and build in the environment should be as unintrusive and undestructive as possible; buildings should be constructed and positioned with as few materials and elements as possible, so as to ensure that their function can be realized while still consuming as little electricity and other commodities as possible.

Keeping in mind informed consumers who appreciate all the advantages of prefabricated wooden construction and who swear by the absolute best in architecture and design, Riko teamed up with Philippe Starck to develop the P.A.T.H. line of wooden houses by Starck with Riko, giving buyers the ability to completely tailor their living space to their personal tastes. Several floor plans are available, along with floor options, construction types, roof variations, and designer trim work.

The future is betting on wood. Not just because it is the least wasteful construction material, with a neutral or even negative carbon footprint, but because it’s healthy. It’s antistatic, it doesn’t produce any harmful side-products, it can regulate ambient moisture, and it can even help make hypoallergenic living spaces. And it’s always good to know: wood is conducive to enjoying the beauties of the natural world, and with it the meaning of practical, non-material values, that help us find the path back to our true selves. They connect us with nature and remind us of how fleeting our time is, encouraging us to perpetually recreate ourselves, as the essence of our lives.

PATH by Starck with Riko thus makes for an incredible choice for anyone who respects ethics, aesthetics, and the intersection of natural beauty in the architecture and culture of life. The options for personalizations, quick construction, premium design, and a healthy living environment are the key traits distinguishing the line and exciting even the pickiest consumers. We’ll be happy to hear from you.