Living With A Green Heart

LWGH Social Sustainability Certificate

Introduction & Purpose

The purpose of the standard is to measure and identify employees’ mindset and willingness to make a change towards the new economy and then suggest the activities needed at the individual, team, and corporate level to reach the start-up mindset in every individual employee – Green Heart Warriors – engaged, healthy, happy, and loyal members of the corporate core.

For the past 50 years, humans have tried to compete with robots in the desire to be as efficient as they are. However, we have managed to make robots a lot more powerful than we are. The era of digitization, robotization, and Industry 4.0 brought about awareness as to which qualities are essential for the transition to Industry 5.0, which will be based on the synergistic collaboration of humans and machines. The main added value that people bring to the table is in fact their humanity. Once all processes have been made efficient and technological performance has peaked, it is crucial that they are operated and overseen by someone who lives with a mindset of shared wellbeing, balance, and social belonging.

The standard helps us easily transfer and integrate the start-up mindset into everyday practice. From an individual, to a group, a team, an organization, its stakeholders, and ultimately the whole environment.

Process & Results & Goals

The goal and desired results of certification according to the Living with a Green Heart standard are:

  • Awareness about what wellbeing means and how to achieve it on individual level

  • Autonomy and acknowledgement of each individual’s personal responsibility towards their own wellbeing and their influence on the wellbeing of others

  • Awareness about the importance of employee wellbeing for the organization and social welfare

  • Concrete criteria for measuring employee wellbeing and mindset (inward/outward thinking)

  • Concrete guidelines for improving employee wellbeing and moving them towards the start-up mindset

  • Specific positive changes in the level of employee wellbeing as one of your future business’s KPIs and game changers